Zanaco Football Club Ghanaian Centre-Back Kevin Owusu celebrated his birthday at Fountain of Hope orphanage yesterday 5th September 2020 where he also donated food stuffs.

Owusu made a donation worth K400 which included six 25kg bags of mealie-meal, seven 25kg bags of Soya Chunks, sacks of potatoes, drinks, cabbage, four trays of eggs, one sack of Onions, Cooking oil, 10kg of Sugar, a crate of tomatoes and some snacks.

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Owusu said that he was delighted to share the little that he had and thanked the orphanage for always welcoming him with open arms.

“Thank you for always welcoming me here, this is my home too, and I will always share with you whenever I am able to. I am delighted to have celebrated my birthday with you,” Owusu said.

He also advised the children to stay at the orphanage and not go back to the streets like others have.

“I have noticed that the number has reduced because when I came last time you were a lot, I’ve been told that others returned to the streets and I am sad to hear that. Please this is your only safe home so stay here and let these people take care of you. It is not safe out there,” he said.

This is the second time that Owusu has donated to the orphanage this year where he celebrated his birthday with lunch with the kids.

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